Saturday, September 14, 2013

What Is Man's Primary Purpose?

To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

Those of you who have recited the Westminster Catechism as a child probably have this phrase engraved in your memory. From the early years of Sunday School, my parents have diligently quizzed me to learn these basic theological principles. But now that I finally have the words inscribed in my brain, what do they actually mean? How can we truly live out our lives for the glory of God? What does enjoying Him look like in our daily lives? I recognize that this is an incredibly deep theological issue. I'm far from a theologian, and I'm not even going to attempt to scratch the surface. If you want more information, Desiring God by John Piper can probably provide deeper insight (that's one of the books on my want-to-read list). All I aim to accomplish through this post is to discover some simple ways to apply this to our everyday lives, so we can live the lives God intended us to live.

So first, the glorification of God. I think Christians should be obsessed with bringing Him praise and glory. Starved and famished and eager to glimpse His awesomeness, and thrilled to bearers of His goodness. And not only in the big things, but in the little details of life, like His creation and the tiny blessings that surround us everyday. We should be fervent to seek out His wondrous deeds, passionate about His magnificence. And when we see examples of His glory, we should readily share our findings with each other and the world, to direct the spotlight from ourselves to Christ. 

Like today in my Physics textbook, I discovered the principle of equilibrium and the balancing of forces. It's incredible really, how our world is shaped by the laws of nature and how often we overlook the fact of God's amazing, incredibly detailed design. Without His foresight and encompassing knowledge to map out these physical laws, our life on earth would not be the same. Or when I flip open World Magazine and witness the amazing ministries God's people are developing around the globe today and the lives that are being transformed by their effective testimony for Him. And our Sovereign Creator really is just so great, and what He is doing is absolutely amazing. Just the other day, I gazed out the window at lunch and admired how the sunlight illuminated the green of the leaves. God's creation really is so beautiful, and how often I overlook it in the busy-ness of my everyday life. Everything fairly shouts His praise and proclaims His power. Shouldn't we also? 

God, You are amazing. Incredible. I can't comprehend Your majesty. And You are so good to me. Often I don't give you enough glory and praise for the little things in my life and the things You are doing around the globe. Will You please reveal Your glory to me? 

And I look around and want to see. Thirst to see. To crave His glory in this world, not only in the physical realm but in the spiritual realm. I open up His word to see His praise scrawled in between every line, His glorious deeds and promises to His people. His faithfulness in the past, and His dazzling plan for the future. And it's glorious. God is glorious. So deserving of all the praise we could ever give. 

Yet praise is beyond thankfulness and recognition. Both are commended, but praise goes beyond just feeling grateful and the acknowledgement that all good things come from God. It points us to the Source of that gratefulness and the attributes in Him that provide the blessings we enjoy. 

Thank You, Lord, for You are holy and just, and You promise to punish and remove all sin and evil on this earth and in me. Thank You for the work of Your Holy Spirit purifying and cleansing me. 

Thank You, Lord, for You are also forgiving and patient with us. We sin and fail so many times, but Your mercy is new every morning. Thank You for Your mercy towards us. 

Thank You, Lord, for You are Sovereign over all things, and nothing on earth happens outside of Your will. Thank You for being in control of my life. I trust You, God. 

Giving God glory is not only acknowledging His presence and goodness in our lives, but enjoying His characteristics and qualities. 

Which brings us to the second point. The enjoyment of God.

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him," writes John Piper in the book Let the Nations Be Glad!. (A must-read!)

You see, the two are predominantly linked. When we enjoy God and find true satisfaction in Him, then He is glorified through us. By recognizing His goodness and delighting ourselves with all He has accomplished, we can bring more honor and praise to His name. 

He is worthy of all glory, and when we recognize that, when we acknowledge His greatness, He is glorified.

And enjoyment comes not only through the seeking of His glory around us, but in contentment with Christ and His promises. And this is difficult stuff. I myself can hardly even begin to put this into practice, and writing this post is terribly convicting! I often find myself coveting material goods, worldly practices, freedom to sin, you name it. Instead of being satisfied with the blessings that God has given us and the promises and love and grace and strength He provides, I look to other things and other people for satisfaction. Instead of being satisfied with who He is, I seek satisfaction from the world and other people.

It would be a lie to say that I am wholly satisfied with God. 

But I can begin to put aside the idols inside of me, to knock down my Asherah poles. To remove the temptations and distractions from my heart. And not only that, but to try to obtain a fuller understanding of His goodness. Often I think that it's because of my inadequate view of His goodness to us that I turn aside from the path and seek other things. When we fully grasp His holiness and His love for us and the things He has in store for our lives, we will not so readily desert our Heavenly Father for the cheap trinkets of this world.

A continual study in the Word will allow God's precedence in our lives and provide a true understanding of the blessings we have in Him.

And this is deep stuff. I know people have written extensive books on this topic, and it's like the ocean. Mind-blowingly deep. And there's so much more to be said, so much more to apply from this one area alone. I can't even begin to expose all the layers underneath, let alone understand it all thoroughly. But I can attempt to begin with the little things. Try to seek His glory and try to satisfy myself in Him. And as I attempt to glorify my Heavenly Father, attempt to seek full satisfaction in Him alone, will you try with me? 

Father God, enable me to glorify You today. I am so frail and weak, and I make so many mistakes, but will You just use this feeble human being to bring some glory and honor to Your name today? I want others to see how great You are. Let me be Your lighthouse, Your signpost, Your salt and light here on earth. Jesus, use me to show the people around me of Your goodness and love. Help me reflect who You are, so people can see how truly amazing my God is. Holy Spirit, work through me. Help me be truly satisfied in You, so that I will no longer hunger for the things of this world but be able to fully quench my thirst in You and direct others to the living water found in You alone. I love you, Lord. Strengthen me.

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